At the session of the Supervisory Board of Tigar AD, held on the 20th June, 2016 new General Director of the company was appointed.
At the yesterday’s session, the former General Director Nebojša Đenadić resigned his position of General Director and Executive Director for Corporate Governance.
The last three years of his appointement as a Gerenal Director of Tigar a.d. are of great importance for the company because that placement occurred at the moment when Tigar Group faced great problems. It was then that the production started, the balances were adjusted following a detailed examination, export businesses were preserved, new purcharers were found, and almost all salary arrears were disbursed. In order to normalize the management of a system deeply indebted, we implemented the Prepackaged Plan of Reorganiztion, as a model for solving out the accumulated debts. The company’s achieved results show a significant improvement, and a new building for production of rubber mixes was built.
For the position of the new General Director was appointed Branislav Čurić, who held the position of the Deputy of Nebojša Đenadić and as such he was involved in all of the company’s key activities and made a profound contribution to the stabilization of sales activities. The Supervisory Board unanimously supported the former General Director’s proposition and thanked Mr Đenadic for his immense contribution.
Nebojša Đenadić remains part of the team of Tigar and from now on he will be engaged in the finalization of an important segment from the Prepackaged Plan of Reorganization.
The appointed Branislav Čurić, the Executive Director for Commerce and Marketing is by profession a Bachelor of Economics and he has been employed in Tigar since 1998. He has been a part of the sales department ever since the beginning of his work engagement. In 2014 he was appointed the Executive Director for Commerce and Marketing and since 2015 he carried out the functions of the Deputy of the General Director.
At the same session of the Supervisory Board, for the Executive Director for Corporate Governance was appointed Nataša Pop-Krstić, employed in Tigar since 2001. By profession, she is a Graduated International Business Manager. She was engaged in Tigar Incon at first, and then at the function of Support for Corporate Governance. She carried out the functions of the Director of Management Coordination, Director for Corporate Governance, as well as the function of the Head of the General Director’s Cabinet of Tigar a.d.