Aug 30. 2013

By the Decision of the Listing of the Belgrade Stock Exchange, Tigar’s shares shall be traded on the Open Market, given the fact that within the term provided by the Securities Commission, Tigar was not in possibility to provide the auditor's opinion on the financial statements for the fiscal year 2012, positive or restrained, which is one of the basic requirements for companies quoted on listings A and B of the BSE.

In accordance with the decisions made by management, Supervisory Board and the General Assembly held on June 14th this year, in the company were timely taken all necessary actions related to correcting financial statements. The Supervisory Board of the Company has adopted the restated financial statements, and soon is expected the relative auditors’ opinion. Given the size and type of activity that is necessary to be taken for this purpose, correction and subsequant audit of financial statements could not be carried out within the prescribed time frames, neither within the extended deadline that the company sought to provide conditions for staying in the Prime Market .

Although compliance with the requirements for staying within the Listing A of the Belgrade Stock Exchange is not the most important position for the company at the very moment, Tigar’s practice to periodically and consistently report the public on its operations will be continued in the future, because the transparency of business activities represents the key determination of both management and the Supervisory Board of Tigar, but also the main interest of existing and potential owners of Tigar's shares.

Corporate Communication Center
of Tigar a.d


To operate as a corporation which respects the dignity and integrity of its members and partners, and truly contributes to sustainable development.

Nikole pašića 213
18300 Pirot Srbija
+381 (0)10 / 304 - 000